The Longfly V1
The flight Controller you can code to make ANYTHING fly.
Proof: Flying Ceiling fan
Build Cool shit
Longfly Exists to turn boys into MEN and girls into Engineers. These are the materials you use to build cool shit, and one day , hopefully, you'll be remixing our parts to bring your own Robotic designs to life.

The Crash Course
Learn basic Robotics theory and get comfortable programming with this stationary self balancing machine. Load up the standard arduino code and program it yourself (or look at our code for inspiration when your stuck)

The Quad
Unleash your programing knowhow on this beast! With standard specs it will go 0-60 faster than a Bugatti, and you can put a camera on it too to take you along for the ride. Be careful though, it takes some brains to figure out how to tune this thing.

Post- Doctorate
Vertical Takeoff
Once you've mixed and mangled with the Quad, get your hands dirty with advanced control theory by making a UAV that can take off like a quad and fly like an airplane. Or just download the dRehmflight code and get it flying yourself ASAP (bewarned, even that isn't simple)
Longfly provides hardware that's guaranteed to work, giving you one less headache to worry about while troubleshooting
Video Guides
All projects are run off of Nick Rehm's amazing dRehmflight code, and in addition to his amazing video series on control theory, our collaborators like Pratik and Jon also work hard to make step by step tutorials for coding noobies like you!
There's a thriving community online dedicated to making some the coolest S*&T you've ever seen! If you ever need personal help from professionals and Stanford alums' , post a question to the r/dRehmflight subreddit.

What you'll learn
Go headfirst into C++ programing using the arduino interface. Learn about headerfiles, how to write functions, convert sensor readings to advanced features, and so much more!
Remember, Chatgpt is your friend :)